genetically inferior definitiongenetically inferior definition

Mr Pink-Smythe, but the Obamas of this world, the Mandelas, the Ghadaffis, the Zumas, and the the Jahdeys, shall restore the glory of Africa throught the might and power of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. . 58.). Too bad Neanderthals havent brought much to the table in a long time. Pink-Smythe??). On the front page of yesterdays Wall Street Journal is an article which talks about the issue directly. The New Paradigm Daleks deem their creators inferior and exterminate them; their creators make no resistance to this, deeming themselves inferior as well. ooooo, I think you should double check your so-called facts civilization started in Mesopotamia which a part of Africa. REMOTE VIEWING WAS FORMULATED FROM THIS KNOWLEDGE. Jahdey consoles: Dont shoot the messenger cause you no more like the messages that the elites of your people have to deliver to you simple-minded fools who have been conned for so long by a false and wicked racist philosophy of so-called white supremacy. But, the report says Africa has enormous untapped potential and hidden The Silures lived in Britain at the time of Ceasars conquest. They are not colour coded. To be susceptible to diseases To carry genetic faults. You know what, that could be anyone of us Guess that makes us all genetically inferior We can adapt and survive in any environment, thats why were white, we left the desert and we didnt have the means to survive in frozen Europe physically, but we had our magnificent brains. I have no idea where you get your information from, but the caucasian European type did not come out of Azerbaijan in 400 AD, are you nuts, what colour do you think the Celts and Germanic tribes were who lived in Europe long before 400 AD? Bullshit you're genetically inferior. If YOU truly know for sure that youre genes are inferior, then the best thing you can do is just not reproduce. She tried to replicate her own study using genetically manipulated mouse spleen cells that glow green if a gene indicative of pluripotency is activated. Did you evolve between 18th and 20th century? For more information, log onto and click on the icon that says Magazine. Europeans were the first to weave textiles. Go read a proper book instead of hanging around racist websites. Only a sick and unfit tiger kills a human being. The pink tribe is on its way out. I have to tolerate a colleague who utters the same rationals and whenever I say something he tells me Im lying. Makes them feel shit probably, thinking that a loser like you thinks they can get with them. Now many people, possibly even you, will hate me for saying this next thing. We are Rastalivewirewe are electric..we shock and burn! Do you want me to take you to the researchers house too? WebCustom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals. MacRitchie (a very well educated and wise scottish man who had done his research well Jahdeys edits), adds that the legends and the history of the Scottish highlands are both witnesses to the existence of a purely black people there. Boswell and Dr. Johnson saw descendants of these black people when they visited Scotland. The Evil deeds of your people even in the 60s by not wanting Africans to read, write, speak their own language, and just be human is why many Africans in HATEMERICA and other parts of the world are behind trying to pay catch up in this world. . Now many people, possibly even you, will hate me for saying this next thing. BRAINS. Copyright 2009-2023. one in five households has access to electricity. Africans are the MOST diverse group of people on the planet, with all facial feature types, skin tones and types, bone structure and hair types. DOMESTICATED BARLEYIT HAS BEEN AROUND BEFORE THE EUROPEANS. So what changed to make you guys so inventive, scientific, and glorious? They bear a royal line of blood connection to the Most High Jah and the blessed Mother, who are their parents. Mr. Black-Smythe (or is it Mr. Africans gave the alphabet to Europe. TITLE of the article: key phrase GENETICALLY INFERIOR, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others & their environments to live. HAVE THEY TRULY ADVANCE? Only the fittest of the fittest will survive, in the end. We take no prisoners. Therefore, I assert that as a whole, Americans are genetically superior to all others." Learn a new word every day. Not only was the region among the first colonized by the African migrants, they theorize, but the large number of European and East Asian genes among the population indicates that its long been the human highway, with large numbers of migrants from both directions conquering, trading and generally reproducing along its entire length.,,,2933,331949,00.html,,,, Nglish: Translation of genetic for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of genetic for Arabic Speakers. I bet it is in his DNA, he's like a genetically engineered screw - up. As for my colleague, I asked him frankly about where these norms are attained. WebEugenics. Smh. Think, my boy. It has nothing to do with intelligence or what our race has accomplished despite this genetic inferiority. White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds. Everything you just said Europeans contributed.has already been done millions of years ago!!! However, lining up chariots must be done with caution, as this risks losing one chariot to an enemy's inferior piece. And remember that the so-called securing of food and water you talk about came through theiving and robbery, murder and pillage, vandalism and rape, kidnapping and enslavement. Native Americans have at least one closely related group in Asia the Yakuts of eastern Siberia, who themselves are related to other hunter-gatherer Siberian tribes, some of whom build wooden teepees. He said the internet. . Africas problems I think youre confusing Caucasians with Jews, because it has been Jews which have caused all the wars, genocides, depressions, and recessions around the world extending clear back to the American Revolution. He found ways to suggest that in his papers. The in depth studies can be found at the articles source, here: An inferiority complex is similar to low self-esteem In that in both cases the person feels completely worthless, like they are nothing and have no WebThe Nazi Party adopted and developed several Pseudoscience racial classifications as part of its ideology in order to justify the genocide of groups of people which it deemed racially inferior.The Nazis considered the putative "Aryan race" a superior "master race", and they considered black people, mixed-race people, Slavs, Roma, Jews and other ethnic groups Even you evil Smythen suggested that it could be Tochurian in central Asia or somewhere near western China. We gonna rule the earth tomorrow with our superior genetic profile and wisdom. Honestly the only one who is making no sense is yourself your information is completely inaccurate, , and you have not answered a single point i made other than to misrepresent what i wrote. Modern English bears no similarity with what was spoken by the Anglo Saxons. The Grimaldi graves do not date to the neolithic, they date to the paleolithic only a discrepancy of thousands of years. You guys really make me sick!!! Even daily activities are a power struggle, and often those in power remain in power while those inferior remain inferior . PinkSmythe, I did not make you pink. , . Im more preoccupied with keeping my distance from everyone. LASIK EYE SURGERY BY DR.PATRICIA BATH(BLACK WOMAN) Blacky jahdee The Roman alphabet was derived from the semitic caucasian phoenicians who infact came from palestine -lebanon, they develloped their script from an earlier phase of Sumerian pictographic writting before it evolved into the cuneform script. THIS KNOWLEDGE OF TELEPATHY (ESP) IS HIGHLY STUDIED BY ALL OF YOUR INSTITUTIONS, ARMY ETC. If a gene is beneficial, the animal will survive longer and mate more. Due to their appearance, Tacitus hinted that they may have crossed over from Spain at an earlier date. Almost every country in Europe has had civil war or revolution, in the end you have two Europeans wars which are refered to as world wars. Like always, you white folks steal from other cultures and claim it as your own. Originally, the Eygptians had what was called demotic writing, which differed from hierogylphics writing. Their next step was to determine if evolution had continued in modern humans. Let us see how you get out of the crisis, inferior inbreeding scums that urinate in the mouths of women. Its the unification of Science and Religion and those versed in both will easily recognize It as the origin of all religious and scientific theories hitherto presented by the Western usurpers as non-African. If you have issues of colour or hate then go to your good God and discuss the issues respecting how and why he or she made you the way you are. , . The country that has nothing has everything and the country that has everything has nothing. 2.give precise historical, economic, verifiable evidence to prove that africa is the shit hole it is today because of colonialism. That is a reconstruction from a few fragments found in a cave in Romania, it is said to be 40 thousand years old. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments. Webadj of or relating to genetics, genes, or the origin of something (C19: from genesis) genetically adv English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus See also: and see they are not experiencing any of the disease the western world is with their so called technology and advancements. There is no specific Negroid type, who are you Darwin or some joker. When it comes to this question about white oppression, I have noticed a peculiar pattern. In truth, the so-called whites (especially the pink ones) are the only tribe on earth that ever claimed that they came from monkey family. If you had secured food for (all) your people why did millions emigrate to North America and other parts of the world, why did you ship food from other parts of the world to save your starving assholes, why did millions die of starvation? domesticated the horse. While ostensibly about improving PLEASE VISIT DR.HOROWITZ.COM YOU WILL LEARN WHAT ELSE EUROPEANS HAVE INVENTED??? It began as a degenerate form of gutter French which was need to communicate with the Normans French ruling class who were the masters of the Anglo-Saxon slaves and serfs. growth reserves, if it can mobilise its human resources and improve its It aint white skin. THERE WAS NO NEED TO SPLIT IT AND THEY KNEW OF THE DANGERS TO THE EARTH AND MANKIND SINCE THEY LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE EARTH AND RESPECT NATURE. Pleasethe only thing Africa gave the world was resources. Use of materials is possible only with the written permission of the owner and with a direct active link to Then I cited you the research works stored on the databases belonging to the National Institue of Health the leading US Health Institute which sets the generally applicable medical and clinical procedures used by all US medical scientists and you say it is discredited. Nor did I make Africans brown. , , , . Some of you may also have come from western China as you clearly demonstrated in your claims. Send us feedback. Those Black people were called the Silures. Genetically ablated lines can be maintained for a prolonged period of time and shared within the research community. Native Americans had the least genetic diversity of all, indicating that part of the world was settled last. Nope you dont have to be superior to oppress, all you really need is a inhumane and devilish mindset fuelled by greed, along with an arsenal of highly destructive weapons and a two a faced smile. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. Your are a dumb unevolved apeman and that is saying something, I am so proud and honoured that providence gave me the honour of being born white. Or, if you like, it is a mark of inferiority in these fields. Source: Can Africa Claim the 21st Century, Even just to maintain current levels of poverty, African economies will have world trade. Obey your Mother and Farther it is written, and you have your proof in the pudding from your own scientists! Finally the original owners of England were Black people as confirmed by the accounts of Julius Ceasar on his conquest of Britain. If the research confirmed the politically correct but apparently scientifically incorrect notion that there is no genetic difference in intelligence between the races, then there would be no need for him to stop doing his brain research. YES THE EUROPEANS WERE THE FIRST TO SPLIT THE ATOM WHICH WAS KNOWN ALREADY TO THE EGYPTIANS. Having said that, why do you even drop to our level to converse with us? They also demonstrate that a population of altruists can initially emerge through inclusive fitness, helping and receiving help among genetically related individuals. Get over yourself..virus! YOU ARE KIDDING THE EGYPTIANS CREATED AND PERFECTED ALL OF THAT, THATS WHERE THE LANGUAGES STEMS FROM SPEAK WITH AN LINGUIST OR PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGES IN ETYMOLOGY. people of european origin put white men on the moon. Please dont shoot the messenger jadee if you cannot accept the truth. Traditionally, ox tendons are considered inferior to wild - game sinews since they have a higher fat content, leading to spoilage. WebYou might call something inferior if its quality isn't as good as another, comparable thing, like that kite that you can't get to fly no matter how fast you run back and forth while your Genetically inferior people are less fit for multiple environments..GENETICALLY.. . Cuneiform again from Africa (Yes, which is the middle east, which is still a part of Africa, whether they want to admit it or not). Even now, it gets expanded yearly by a certain paid and maintained committee of scholars. The other mutation, present mostly in people from the Middle East and Europe, and estimated to be 5,800 years old, coincided with the development of cities and written language.. I have a friend here from Iceland, and have heard stories from him about the place. In fact, around twice as many Europeans (as Africans taken to the US) were made slaves by the (African) Barbary states alone. , , . If africans are so much better, why did they suddenly stop advancing? It will blow your mind how far advanced Africans were before their fall. You claim the white man is a destroyer of civilizations, yet the language you use, the computer you use, the internet, even electricity (and I could go on all day) without which modern civilizations would not exist, were either invented or discovered by white men. WebGenetically inferior to whom? Whether English is an invented language? Honestly, go check this out. Smythe, todays Africa is the shit-hole your theiving, whorinig lieing and muderous ancestors made it into. domesticated barley. 3.Prove what you said about the English language being invented when infact it is the direct descendant of Anglo-Saxon, a low western Germanic language , with it is true many Norman french loan words. please list in full with sources in full the precise achievements of sub-saharan negroid Africans. You shouldnt. You should accept that there is an inadequacy and resolve to change it, not for womens approval, but for your own. Dont focus on w And the funny thing is, although we are genetically inferior apparently, we have been able to secure things like food and water for all our people. Destitute, broke, disease ridden, very dangerous land. We answerers simply dont know that. But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second population bottleneck, probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number. The first of the criteria is the object to be imitated, whether superior or inferior . Archeaological and genetic evidence have demonstrated that the Grimaldi were Blacks of the Central and West African typology. Surprisingly, neither are the residents of Sardinia off the coast of Italy. Or we will be forced to school you with even more knowledge and superior facts!!! More genes dont mean better ones necessarily. In what way do Africans have a superior genetic profile The article above which is culled from a western owned establishment and written by western scientists is talking about biological and genetic superiority. , . 4.Give your evidence that the people who built stone henge were Negroid immigrants from Africa, which they must have been if Europeans didnt arrive in Europe until thousands of years later , and remember many human remains have been found in that place dating from the time of its building and use, and guess what they are all caucasion judging by their DNA and skull morphology. Before your pink sallow theiving arse came out of the caves of western China, Africans and their descendants lived all the way from Spain to Caucasus. DESTROY THEIR IDENTITY CREATE SLAVERY AND GIVE THEM THEIR RELIGION TO DESTROY THEM. Blacks destroy everything that is given to them, and when they piss all over what they have, they want to get you wet, and thats the truth. For example, the Pygmies of the Congo forest were found to be quite close to the Bushmen of Namibia but both were very different from most other sub-Saharan groups. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments., LoL! Dr. Lahns graduate students began decoding DNA from 1,184 people belonging to 59 groups from around the world, including Bedouins, Pima Indians and French-speaking Basques. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. Below is an excerpt in which I highlight the important conclusion: In recent years, Dr. Lahn has become interested in why the human brain is so large and complex. Three months ago I wrote about Dr. Bruce Lans research into brain genes and evolution. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'genetic.' The same thing as thinking and assuming genetic superiority. Hitler was the last person that made either or assumptions. How can anyone assume what Look at the blonde and fair haired mumies from the Taklamakan in western china who date back to the brone age , they came from the Russian steppes and introduced the wheel into China as well as being the decendants of the people who first domesticated the horse, their decendants lived in China until the early middleages and we know them as the Tocharians, they were assimilated into turkic tribes and lost their identity.. Roads: only 16% paved Smythen chokes:, Mr PinkSmythe, actually, the Roman alphabet is not a European invention. The quote that follows comes from the works of Professor Elliot Smith a well respect pre-eminent scholar of European origin: So striking writes Professor Elliot Smith, is the family likeness between the early Neolithic peoples of the British Isles and the Mediterranean and the bulk of the population, both ancient and modern, of Egypt and East Africa, that the description of the bones of an Early Briton of that remote epoch might apply in all essential details to an inhabitant of Somaliland. (The Ancient Egyptians, p. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! You should not generalize and judge people because of the action of a few. . You are not advancing the discussion at all you are perpetuating the problem. Between the 7th and the 17th century in Europe, the Muurs the so-called black people from Africa, educated the entire Europe, in the discipline of arts and sciences. This is a waste of time if you cannot produce peer reviewed valid authorities in science, or history to back up your misconceived conclusions. Studying DNA from several species, the Chicago team found that, over millions of years, the genes had undergone more rapid change in monkeys, apes and humans than in other animals. EVERYTHING LEADS BACK TO THE BEGINNING (AFRIKA, EGYPT,MIZRAIM, MIZRAR, KEMET) to grow by 5% because of rapidly growing populations. Whats the difference between Jews & Caucasians? Your both White. In fact Africans invented more than six writing systems. The innate inferiority complex of whites cannot be mistaken for anything. more than that of Belgium. Smythen Henri cries: ANCIENT AFRIKANS DIDNT NEED TELEVISION TO SEE PEOPLE IN FAR DISTANCE THEY HAD THE KNOWLEDGE (ALCHEMY) JUST LIKE THE DOGON TRIBE STILL POSSES IT TO CHART WITHOUT ANY MODERN EQUIPMENT THATS WHY THE STUDIED FOR 40 YEARS. you cannot reconstruct somebodies complexion from a few old bone fragments. (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. . Also keep your ignorant silly racist assumptions to yourself, you do not know how well educated i am, maybe my pinky ass, as you put it is way better educated than your black ass knows. I am not an asiatic from western China you idiot, i know blacks have low IQ,s but learn to remember what you have read. The Cornell team hopes to study other population groups in search of similar results. Because many genetically different varieties are available, they can be grown in most of the temperate areas of the United States. So therein, the whites or so-called Edomites are the Anti-thesis of your Lords creation! Average group differences from the norm may be in the direction of superior as well as inferior performance. Thanks. The Chinese invented the wheel. It is obvious you have an agenda to bring down all non-black and so you are no better than the terrible racist whites you hate so much. . Eh Goofie, the article above was actually written by European descended scientists one of your so-called people. Well I am white and I have never hurt anyone, oppressed anyone, or did any of the other bad things mentioned above. Hear a word and type it out. Further more the racist language in this thread was started by you ,.its there for anybody to see, its obvious that you hate Europeans from your racist derogatory language, personally, i think you and your kind are a joke and are not really worth hating. Actually i,m white not pink but people tend to use terms like white and black in a generic sense refering to caucasians and africans, has the debate really come down to pink-white? Isnt this proof of invention? As with the other large-scale study, the Stanford team found the greatest diversity outside of Africa among people living in the wide crescent of land stretching from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean to northern India. and of Arran, generally brown and some of a black complexion. Most of those sub-saharan African countries would be rich or well off if they were ran correctly. This is a waste of time if you cannot produce peer reviewed valid authorities in science, or history to back up your misconceived conclusions. Genetically inferior - meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases, genetically inferior Arabic translation, genetically inferior Bengali translation, genetically inferior Spanish translation, genetically inferior Portuguese translation, genetically inferior Hungarian translation, genetically inferior Ukrainian translation, genetically inferior Turkish translation, genetically inferior Italian translation, genetically inferior Croatian translation, genetically inferior French translation, genetically inferior German translation, genetically inferior Polish translation. Beware, we shock and burn!!! WebView the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for Genetically inferior, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for Genetically The Marcus Garveys, the Malcolm Xs, Elijah Mohammeds and the Noble Drew Alis of this world shall rebuild Africa into the ancient glory that it was. Which of these items is named for a deadly weapon. On average, African countries have economies smaller than a town of 60,000 Maria gimbutas is an anthropologist who has been discredited, sorry to tell you that i know how stupid you are.The kurgans are as white as the rest of Europe were they were a horse riding culture from the Ukraine and Russian steppes, they were not the first white people in Europe you ape man they were simply one of many tribes moving about Europe, such as the Beaker people, the Corded wear people, the Battle axe people etc. REMEMBER ONLY THE FITTEST survive and africa is a squalid shit hole, which should be allowed to die, please dont shoot the messenger. Is written, and weddings your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals not to! That in his papers that youre genes are inferior, genetically superior people would not need to destroy others their! 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genetically inferior definition

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