horse isle 2horse isle 2

[6], massively multiplayer online role-playing game, "HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game", "Horse Isle 3, War Crimes and LGBTQ+ Visibility A case study in how NOT to approach Community Management", 2] Admin attempt to solve glitches or bugs as soon as possible, so do not be alarmed if something is not working. 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item. Search this site. 2] This is not an appropriate way to talk about anyone, let alone yourself - please avoid undermining yourself wherever possible. "Mobile Site" enjoy (there is more to come soon) Marshy Isle. Veterinary care is not needed for such a horse; it will recover in time with good care. Horse Isle 2 Help Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. No Download! 3] If someone is harassing you, please ask them kindly to stop, if they do not, immediately Personally Mute the player, and file an abuse report. Use your magnifying glass near the dresser behind HappySmurl to find the locket. Then it will gain 10 points of health every hour. Begging 1] It can be possible to get stuck in the game. Horse Isle 2 featured an enlarged version of the original map, introducing many new 'isles' and towns for players to visit. There were no towns or 'isles' on a fixed map; the game's map was instead endless, and only showed areas that the player had explored. More added regularly. 1] We do not endorse Horse Isle services attempted to be sold by other players, but do not prohibit the action. To ensure that your ad is accepted and that people don't misunderstand the intent of your ad, make sure that you say you are "looking to add" or "looking for buds." Although the world graphics are simple 2D, they have been beautifully designed to create an interesting and vast world to explore. If the horse has an injury, it will lose 2 points of health every hour it has that injury. (Come join the adventure!) Banned Different types of tack have effects on a competition. 3] This is considered trading on a promise and not a good idea. 7] DO NOT share your horse's registered name. There's your Trilobite fossil. Buy fancy tack, pets, decorative extras and even design your own logo for your horse! Wild Horses Help 2] The game rules apply to these forums. Capturing, training, and competing with your horses. 4] Please be aware of this when creating a profile. Deliberate Rule Breaking e.g. 5] If you are told by a Moderator to end a discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 4] Never abuse the !STUCK command. This means not logging onto the game using a different player's account (which should never be done anyway). 9] No advertising for anything that is considered trading on a promise. if (windowHref.indexOf('?') Trying to get the highest score or best times of many different tracked games. 3] Please be aware of other players attempting to scam. You will receive 50 experience points for your care of your horse through his or her old age. Netiquette Miniature cactus from one of the Desert Isles - Talk to MrsParchingSon in the DryTon City Hall. 3] If someone attempts to bully or harass you about this, please ask them nicely to stop asking. . The first few sections are items you can find while exploring. They are what Horse Isle 2, pretty much is. ( Keep all personal relationship topics out of discussion. Somewhere in the middle of Vine Isle. 3] If you are muted, you will be notified as to what you did wrong and for how long you were muted, you will also gain violation points accordingly. 1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. We plan to offer player-created guides as well as providing a list of all of the Help Topics from the game. The other section is items you can find in stores. 10] Players are welcome to advertise their search for buddies. Doing so is considered cheating and will result in losing everything that was moved if not losing both accounts completely. 2] The ONLY websites which are acceptable to discuss are reference sites; Forums Slander You can repeat process for any other servers you play on. 6] No trading should occur until after support has been contacted and the club has been successfully transferred. 6] If it is clear to staff that you have not fulfilled your end of a training agreement, you will be banned. : "Hi I Would like a horse so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4] Do not include who your significant other is in your profile, whether it be boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse. At the General Store. Training These can be cured by the local veterinarian, however, they charge a fee, so be sure you have money on hand (horse isle money, of course!). Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! 3] If you choose to hold a contest and want to do so at a ranch, you may only hold a contest at your ranch. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. The Esroh's. Words Worth Cave. Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find and catch wild horses, quests given by NPCs, mining for valuable gems, and puzzles and riddles scattered around the world for players to complete. 1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given, this is your responsibility to price accordingly. Horse Isle 2 Help Forum. Reward: $15,000 and 50 Quest Points. Head straight south from her house, then a little west, stopping just before the beach. The first few sections are items you can find while exploring. 2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc. (You can check a list of horses for sale in the city hall). Parental Permission Scroll down to the bottom and click "CHANGE PASSWORD". 6] Do not get upset if another Player does not respond, there could be many reasons for that, be patient. 3] If you choose to hold a contest and want to do so at a ranch, you may only hold a contest at your ranch. 4] If you do complete a trade on a promise and the other player does not fulfil their end of the deal, please file an Abuse Report immediately. When a horse is starving, it will lose 4 points of health per hour. [5]. 1] The definition of Bias: "a particular tendency or inclination, esp. 1] The aim of the game is to have FUN! Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take on the task of getting it all started. Hunting for Wild Horses in a Group 3] Players may not give/sell an account to any other person, including friends or siblings. You can always search for ranches and selling horses in the city hall. Please be aware that proper care is vitally important in this game. 2] Cheating: For these competitions "cheating" is defined as acting in a dishonest or unfair fashion to gain an advantage in the competition. Not all species of wild horses can be found in a same terrian. Contacting Support by opening a Support Issue under the Help button is the only way for ownership to be transferred. Please report anyone that is doing so. 3] Players of ALL ages enjoy Horse Isle, so please do not comment if you come across children, moms, dads, grannies, teens, etc. "    " + Please include that it is for HI2 and your HI2 username. By joining you agree to accept them, and you agree to follow all rules. 2] The filter mostly consists of a dictionary, where you may only type words that are contained in the dictionary specific for this game. 2] No harassing/bullying other players. Players were able to create clubs for other players to join that became 'villages' on the map. Once per hour, affection moves the following based upon mood:5 points up if mood is 10003 points up if mood is 800No change if mood is 5001 point down if mood is 4005 points down if mood is 0.etc. : by sending you mail), engage in socials, etc. A full set of tack is required if you want to ride a horse. }); 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 4] There can only be one owner of a Club. 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. There are many breeds of horses and ponies found all over the isles. 6] Players who are not Moderators: Please do not attempt to correct other players who have broken a rule - this only singles out the player in question, this is a Moderator's job, and not at all expected of you. 1] Once a horse has left your account, it no longer belongs to you. Slaughter 2] Horse Isle is not a place to discuss who is "hot" or not, this could result in misunderstandings and disagreements - please do not engage in this sort of topic. 3] Please avoid controversial and religious topics within your profile. We are determined to build our wiki entirely by discovery and hard work. These are better suited for area chat. So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess. This means asking pointless questions in an attempt to help a buddy or friend get more helper points. SOCIAL allows horse to be ridden when others are present. if (document.readystate === 'complete') { 2] Please do not argue with a Moderator when you are told to do something, or when you are muted, there is always a good reason if a Moderator has contacted or muted you. This is considered going around the ban and will be counted as having multiple accounts. 4] To contact Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page ( and click the "Help" button at the top, then start a Support Issue. Development began in 2018, with several rounds of beta testing taking place in early- to mid-2019, undertaken by staff and volunteer players from the first two games. Where is the Record Press on Vine Isle in HorseIsle 2? 1] We do not recommend that you board your horse on another player's account, once you give that player your horse, they can choose to keep it. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. 4] That being said, you cannot predict when a specific player will be online, and therefore can never expect them to be online at a certain time. 3] Since horses cannot be harmed any form of "rescue" group is not allowed. There will be a giant blue flower to indicate that you're in the right place. 1] Horses on Horse Isle can be abused in NO way - it is not possible, and not acceptable that you refer to abuse regarding Horse Isle Horses. Small age ranges are also not allowed for safety reasons. Over 100 unique horse breeds, very detailed with professional renderings of each breed in each color. We want everyone to have a fair chance when it comes to availability and ease of Horse Isle 2 information. Anarchy and Players 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. 2] Remember that rules allow us to help you get the most out of the game, please keep to the rules accordingly. Hundreds of unique objects that can be found in the world or handled during quests. 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things. Some ways include via Abuse Reports (please see section on those above), Random Chat Reviews or Forum Reviews. Buy fancy tack, pets, decorative extras and even design your own logo for your horse! 4] Claiming another player is bad or evil for sending their horse to the foreign bidder is also strictly not allowed. Profiles 5] Please do not ask for advice on love relationships on Horse Isle, this is a game and not a consultancy. This will assure that you get the horse back. There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock. url("//") format("woff"); 5] If the player continues please file an Abuse Report, and Personally Mute the player immediately to avoid any conflict. e.g. 7] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. Never enter it on another website either! Yes, I know how the game operates. 2] Remember that being rude about something will most likely make another unwilling to help you, or will cause a fight between players. should not be submitted and will be rejected. If a player does not want to sell now, please respect that, and wait for the horse to come available. : Google, Yahoo, Dictionary, etc. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. Abused Horses Claims Website logos or any text not in the dictionary is not allowed. When you feed your horse their mood will go up by 100. No religious content is allowed. 3] Do NOT share ANY other Websites. Please simply just Personally Mute the player to avoid conflict or stress to yourself. ENERGETIC allows horse to be ridden in snow/glacier isles. Completing mini-games throughout the world for fun and game money. If they advertise for this, it must be on the advertiser's ranch. Asking to Buy Horses that are NOT For Sale If the player fails to catch it the first time, he/she must wait until either after the next person fails, or 2 minutes. Note: The items listed are only the items that have an unlimited "!" 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. Bullying Grand adventure and real world horse genetics await you in this, our third installment. 1] If a horse is free roaming, and uncaught it is considered a Wild Horse. 2] If a player wants to go to the Dungeon on their own there is a NPC (non-player character) that will send them. These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. We may show you the chat log where the rule was broken should you need clarification so you know what not to do in the future. Keys. 4] If another player asks you to Personally Message another player because they have been muted, kindly tell them you will not interfere, there is a good reason they were personally muted. You have no way of knowing who is answering the question and what their experience level is. Finding them better tack, or even finding your horse a nice pet! Bonsai tree from DwobbitTon - Talk to ZinniaBop, Flori Village on Prairie Isle. } 1] Owning more than one account per player is strictly against the rules and is considered cheating. Personal Information 2] Your account is responsible for any violations incurred, regardless of who you claim has done it. HappySmurl has lost her locket and asked you to look for it. Many completely original soundtracks and game musics, professionally produced. 3] This filter is in place in order to protect the chat from any violations, sharing of personal information or obscene content. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. 3] If you happen to share a personal bias towards another player or topic of discussion, please keep it to yourself. 1] Remember that being nice and polite makes the game enjoyable for everyone. 6] Do not trade something you are not willing to lose. : "Horse Maps"); This action is considered scamming, if you are unsure about these services you may contact a Moderator or Admin to verify or report the action. Now if you found a wild horse, the more challenging step is to CATCH it. 3] Begging is strictly against the rules - the aim of the game is to earn what ever it is that you want, and begging takes the fun out of the game. The game offers a number of different horse breeds, mini-games and arena competitions for players to take part in;[2] many of the minigames feature educational elements, focusing on mathematics, science and problem-solving. However in eternal, your horses will live forever. Changing your Playername 4] Players MAY ask for their classified ad or art to be reviewed via the helper system, however, please try buddies first. 4] A Multiple account is when you sign up for more than one playername; e.g. 2] Raffles are not allowed on the game as they often are used to steal money from others.

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