long term responses to iceland volcano 2010long term responses to iceland volcano 2010

As evidenced by the results presented here and by Bird et al., (2018), compliance with evacuation orders can be attributed to: trust in the information source; recency of community meetings regarding a potential eruption (i.e., people were able to easily retrieve relevant information from memory); and, a strong desire to abide by social norms (normative beliefs). The decision to omit Skgar was based on the fact that it is located further from the eruption site than other communities in Austur- Eyjafjll and it is not situated in a jkulhlaup hazard zone for an Eyjafjallajkull or Katla eruption. I had a text message from the Civil Defence authorities and I said OK. And then our daughter called. 6.8 km. However, more respondents acknowledged the necessity of evacuating during the summit eruption (75%) than the flank eruption (54%). The computer showed it was all very quiet (O). Eyjafjallajkull, Iceland - 2010 Impacts Eyjafjallajkull, Iceland - 2010 Type of Plate Boundary The volcano is situated on a constructive plate boundary between the North American and Eurasian plate . Its all going very well in a way but its a huge change because the tourists have multiplied - there are a lot more tourists here than there used to be three years ago. Cogn Psychol 4:207232, Walker P (2018) Kilauea volcano eruption. Another noteworthy change in the population structure of the South region is the increase in migration. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun) What were the responses to the 2002 eruption of Mount Nyiragongo? These kin, friend and community networks not only provide an added element of warning dissemination, but also provide an additional source with whom warning-recipients can verify the legitimacy of information (Lindell and Perry, 2004). In: Felton A, Reinhart CM (eds) The First Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century: Part ll June-December 2008. We taped the windows and the doorsby 12:0014:00 it was completely dark, we could not see anything. . Match. She was a little more anxious. The items of import to this paper are: demographics; impact of the eruptions; receipt of cues and warnings; public response; perceived levels of coping; and, perceptions of the future. Match. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Worst volcanic eruption in Japan for 90 years. In: Lyinskaya E, Larsen G, Gudmundsson MT (eds) Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes. The eruption of Eyjafjallajkull Composite map of the volcanic ash cloud spanning 20 March 2010. Iceland: 5.0 Km ESE of Brarbunga. Given the South attracts the highest number of visitors outside the capital region (Bird et al., 2016), it is safe to assume that the changes in livelihood are a reflection of changes in the South. Eldfell after my visit to Eldheimar. Accessed 15 Oct 2018, Danielsson J (2009) The first casualty of the crisis: Iceland. This creates many jobs for people in the tourism industry. Sometimes beginning with an . -Web cameras provided information and allowed the general population easy access to monitor the progress of the eruption. In a simple comparison of populations (urban and rural residents of South Iceland), Bird et al., (2011) identified different perceptions and beliefs, and therefore different needs with respect to risk mitigation. Lava fountain and lava flows from the Holuhraun fissure eruption on Iceland, Sep 2014 (Bardarbunga volcano) (Photo: Lukas Gawenda) Multiple lava fountain from the Holuhraun fissure eruption . Disaster researchers have, however, applied a range of theoretical perspectives to enhance our understanding of the process of decision-making in response to imminent threats. Clearing ash off the roads and streets; . In order to capture the changing structure and situation in South Iceland in more detail, demographic data held by Statistics Iceland was accessed from www.statice.is and analysed using Microsoft Excel. Test. Experience prior to and during the flank eruption that began on 20th March in Fimmvruhls; Experience prior to and during the summit eruption that began on 14th April under Eyjafjallajkull; Impacts of the eruptions on you, your family and property; Use of various media sources for acquiring information about the possibility of a future Katla/Eyjafjallajkull eruption; Perceived level of preparedness for a future Katla eruption; Perceived possibility of a future Katla eruption and its effects; Trust in information from various sources about a future Katla eruption. Predominantly short term- examples (Management) 2 / 9. It was not only the darkness but also the noise of the eruption for the children and animals. I dont think they realise the risk of an eruption (A-E). The day after the eruption we felt the ash come over here and it was completely dark. In 2021, Iceland experienced a magnificent eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula, the land that connects Reykjavik with Keflavik International Airport.In the weeks before its explosion, tens and thousands of earthquakes shook the capital and surrounding areas - normally a surefire forecast of imminent volcanic activities. Conducted as a more open interview than the rigorous 2010 interviews, the 2016 interviews lasted between 17 and 57min. Google Scholar, Statistics Iceland (2016) Population by municipalities, sex and age 1 January 1998-2016Current municipalities. Ten years ago the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkul erupted, sending a plume of volcanic ash over nine kilometers into the sky. However, while it may enhance some aspects of vulnerability, it may also bring about new opportunities for developing new and exciting methods for generating a proactive public response to future evacuation orders among new and old residents. Namely, it appears that residents believe they, their families and the DCPEM are better prepared for a Katla eruption based on the Eyjafjallajkull experience (Fig. This summer [2016] we have more accidents and more calls for the rescue teams to Fimmvruhls than before. Long-term responses to Mount Pinatubo's eruption saw the rebuilding of houses, villages, roads, bridges, and other damaged infrastructure. The tourism industry, however, is rapidly growing, with the South attracting the highest number of visitors outside the capital region (Bird et al., 2016). For the first couple of weeks, lava oozed from a fissure on its ice-free flank, and . To be effective, warnings need to be clear, precise and consistent as people will focus on minor points of inconsistency to support their decision to reject proposed actions (Drabek, 1999). On 8 June, 1783, the young country of Iceland - inhabited for less than 1,000 years - had a population of 50,000. That is, they may be unable to perceive worse impacts from a different scenario than that theyve already experienced (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973). Hazard management of the Iceland eruption Basaltic lava is fluid in nature. Long-term responses . Additional aspects, however, were included to examine experiences related to the Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. This volcano eruption took place in Iceland. The Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma erupted from the 19th September to the 13th December 2021. That is, local police/DCPEM worked with local residents to ensure safety from an imminent threat, as well as protecting livelihood interests. But I would not be afraid. Please note, due to time pressures the community of Skgar (Austur- Eyjafjll) was not included in this study. The name is a description of the characteristics of the volcano, namely Eyja meaning island; fjalla meaning mountain; and jokull meaning glacier The tectonic setting for the Volcanic hazard Aust J Emerg Manag 29:5055, Bird D, Ling M, Haynes K (2012) Flooding Facebookthe use of social media during the Queensland and Victorian floods. This is because the sweepers, who are residents of the immediate neighbourhood, are only active during a volcanic eruption. 6). And we could see. A long-awaited eruption On March 19, the Icelandic Meteorological Office picked up a few low-frequency earthquakes that may have come from magma moving toward the surfacebut these were very . While the nature of the 2016 project prevented a more broad survey, as that conducted in 2010, it provided an excellent opportunity to exchange and discuss valuable information with authorities in regards to developments in volcanic emergency response strategies on the back of learnings from the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull eruptions and our survey data. None of the respondents had first noticed environmental cues as these were most visible from parts of Fljtshl, which was not included in the study region. It is much easier for me to have the people in the same areabecause if someone gets heart attack, if someone gets hurt, its very difficult to help them Maybe you have to stay in your isolated farm for many days (O). Furthermore, it highlights the importance of capturing narratives of actions and activities to enhance our understanding of the process of decision-making and the situational factors that add to its complexity. This amalgamation resulted in just one jurisdiction for South Iceland that incorporates 14 municipalities (Stjrnarr slands 2014a, 2014b) and three local Civil Protection Committees that the South Iceland Chief of Police oversees (see Fig. Internet Explorer). Residents trust in these officials has also evolved from officials listening to and developing strategies to meet the needs of the community. The open and transparent communication from police, and ensuing trust that developed between them and residents, as described in the previous sections, supports the data observed in Fig. The volcano affected global air travel, and shook the economies of almost every European nation. The different coloured blue areas denote the four districts. Climate change is the result of natural and human factors, and has a range of effects: Evidence for climate change from the beginning of the Quaternary period to the present day. The experience that is the focus of this paper is the response to the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull eruptions. In: Taylor A, Carson D, Ensign P, Huskey L, Rasmussen R (eds) Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations. Aggregated livelihood data is therefore presented for outside the capital region from 19912016 (i.e., the time period available from Statistics Iceland). However, they chose to stay at home because they were caring for elderly parents who were unwell. Tephra fallout and flood inundation data derived from Gudmundsson et al., (2012) and orkelsson (2012). That is, our study does not incorporate perspectives on long-term impacts and how they may influence peoples decision-making during a future event due to ongoing physical and mental health impacts. Int J Mass Emerg Disasters 19:117143, Gumundsson MT, Gylfason G (2005) Httumat vegna eldgosa og hlaupa fr vestanverum Mrdalsjkli og Eyjafjallajkli. This may be particularly apparent if their patrons are out sightseeing and are therefore unaccountable, which is just as likely during the night (e.g., on a Northern Lights tour) as it is during the day. These operations are coordinated through a complex network involving geologists, emergency workers, the police and rescue workers. We have a similar amount of policemen as we had in 2004 (O). Ascending the volcano. Iceland: volcanic eruption prompts European Red Cross response Format News and Press Release Source. At-risk populations are not only vulnerable due to a range of economic, demographic and political elements often beyond their control (Wisner et al., 2004), but also in relation to the various factors that affect their decision-making. In the wake of the 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano, scientists are developing infrared technology to help pilots see and steer around ash clouds 4:05 Published: 7 Dec 2011 It may also relate to the incessant news broadcasts that some believed exaggerated the level of impacts in the region (Bird et al., 2011, Bird et al., 2018). Based on what we. J Behav Med 10:481500, Wisner B, Blaikie P, Cannon T, Davis I (2004) At risk: natural hazards, peoples vulnerability, and disasters. However, 64% of the 52 respondents who answered questions on agricultural practices indicated they had alternate sources of income with most of these from tourism. Hence, respondents know the person as a neighbour or as a rescue team member rather than a sweeper. People living within a 20 km zone . Palgrave Communications Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 9:251266, Bird DK, Gsladttir G, Dominey-Howes D (2011) Different communities, different perspectives: Issues affecting residents response to a volcanic eruption in southern Iceland. . In addition, the sweeper system was deployed. -Icelandic red cross- 60 volunteers provided food for the farming population. Households in Austur-Eyjafjll were required to evacuate due to jkulhlaup hazard during the flank and summit eruptions in Eyjafjallajkull. For example, there are distinct differences between decision-making and actions undertaken by men and women (Haynes et al., 2016, Haynes et al., 2010) and age plays a significant role, with younger males often taking greater risks than older age groups and women across all age groups (Haynes et al., 2016). And of course [Eyjafjallajkull] they want to say theyve been here. All respondents were impacted by ash fall, just over a quarter (26%) were impacted by lahars and 20% were impacted by jkulhlaup. About them coming with the sirens [makes siren sounds] and taking me I dont mind the eruption but please dont send the police! There is a glacier above the volcano. Eruption 2010: Nature of event:: Eyjafjallajokull (E15) is an ice-covered stratovolcano South-East of Iceland. Importantly, there is greater trust in those responsible for public safety, i.e., local police and the DCPEM. Both Almannavarnir [DCPEM] and Bjrgunarsveitir [rescue teams], the Red Cross and the municipalities in the area were well organised. Nevertheless, only 5% reported environmental cues as the first notification they received that a second eruption had begun. It is just nearby the exhibition building and it is is an easy trek. in response to this demand, the european union'stransport ministers adopted a short-term solution.they declared that a volcanic ash concentration of up to 2 mg/m3 was deemed 'safe' for flight operations, provided that certain risk mitigation . Accessed 1 Dec 2017, Statistics Iceland (2017b) Internal migration between regions by sex and age 1986-2016-Division into municipalites as of 1 January 2017. http://px.hagstofa.is/pxen/pxweb/en/Ibuar/Ibuar__buferlaflutningar__buferlaflinnanlands__buferlaflinnanlands/MAN01002.px. Other factors noted by respondents were past experiences relating to the full-scale evacuation exercise practiced in 2006 for a Katla eruption (see Bird et al., 2009b) and the ongoing meetings right up until the flank eruption began. Researching disaster risk is therefore an ongoing challenge requiring a continual process of generating understanding of the changing environmental and societal characteristics that influence disaster vulnerability. Iceland is not big so it should be possible to teach (A-E). There is an old Icelandic saying: You couldnt see/distinguish your hands. I now understand this. The Restless Earth Case Studies. Consisting of local residents as volunteers, some of whom form part of the local rescue team, their role is to sweep their neighbourhood by going from house to house to ensure everyone has received the warnings and have, or are in the process of evacuating to their designated centre (Bird et al., 2009b). Published Apr 17, 2020. The survey implemented in 2010 incorporated 15 semi-structured interviews with officials, rescue team members and residents alongside a questionnaire disseminated to households living within the hazard zones of the Eyjafjallajkull and Katla volcanoes (see Fig. Tourists arrested for entering restricted zones to take photos, Hawaii. What are the long term effects of volcanic eruption? However, 14 households were unavailable during the interview and questionnaire dissemination period, which was conducted over 10 days in August 2010. At the same time, however, respondents still viewed a similar level of risk to the community as a whole in terms of adverse impacts. In addition to these systems, recent unrest in rfajkull has called for the development of further emergency response plans in South Iceland (Almannavarnadeild Rkislgreglustjrinn, 2017, Hskuldsson, 2015). We of course ran to the TV and turned it on and turned on the computers and [motions typing on keyboard] and made phone calls and we had phones calls and then we tried to get more information from the television mostly and the internet and when we didnt get any more information we just went to bed. Transcripts were analysed and coded according to the core topics of the 2010 questionnaire. An intense seismic crisis started at Brdarbunga volcano on 16 August 2014 and led to several short-lived smaller subaerial and subglacial eruptions, before stabilizing in an ongoing (22 Sep) fissure eruption that started 31 Aug at Holuhraun plain north of the glacier. 27% of respondents reported receiving news of the summit eruption from DCPEM/police. In addition to duty of care, non-compliance can be attributed to a belief that the warnings were irrelevant to the household. Founded as Educational Expeditions International in 1971 by Bob Citron and Clarence Truesdale, Earthwatch supports hundreds of Ph.D. researchers across dozens of countries, conducting over 100,000 hours of research annually. I said [at the pre-eruption meetings] that you have some safe areas but they are also isolated. In: Fearnley CJ, Bird DK, Haynes K, Mcguire WJ, Jolly G (eds) Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication. Bull Volcanol 73:12091227, Bird DK, Jhannesdttir G, Reynisson V, Karlsdttir S, Gudmundsson MT, Gsladttir G (2018) Crisis Coordination and Communication During the 2010 Eyjafjallajkull Eruption. That would worry us. The 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajkull volcano had a huge impact on air travel, changing the assessment of risk by the aviation sector and catalyzing new lines of scientific investigation. Most of the survivors evacuated to the neighboring towns and villages, but the community of . Sage, Thousand Oaks, Lindell MK, Perry RW (2012) The protective action decision model: theoretical modifications and additional evidence. Exactly ten years ago, on the 15th of April 2010, the volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajkull in Iceland had caused European airspace to come to a standstill. J Volcanol Geoth Res 172:179188, Paveglio TB, Boyd AD, Carroll MS (2017) Re-conceptualizing community in risk research. Using the Citizen Science methodology, Earthwatch's mission statement is "to engage people worldwide in . Case Study - Icelandic Eruption 2010. The 2016 interviews and the preparation of this paper were supported by the Nordic Centre of Excellence for Resilience and Societal SecurityNORDRESS, which is funded by the Nordic Societal Security Programme. Considering future response in this region is important given Katla is renowned as one of Iceland's most dangerous volcanoes due to its potential to produce catastrophic jkulhlaup (>100,000. More specifically: Households in Vestur-Eyjafjll were required to evacuate due to jkulhlaup hazard during the flank and summit eruptions in Eyjafjallajkull. 08 July 2021. . Report to ICAO-June 2012. 6.5 km (4 mi) Iceland: 6.6 Km ESE of Brarbunga. Slheimar lies within the southern jkulhlaup hazard zone for a Katla eruption and during the Eyjafjallajkull summit eruption they were impacted by considerable ash fall and loud sound blasts. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Population of Mrdalshreppur, Skaftrhreppur and Rangring eystra by age and sex. It does not mean, however, that all relationships are amicable. If a volcanic eruption happens again, they will have better control over the entire air space. The Heimaey eruption of 1973 kick-started Iceland's rescue and evacuation framework in earnest, and today the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management oversees these kinds of operations. In some instances, the sweepers provide the only link between emergency management officials and the community (Bird et al., 2009b), further bolstering the work of the rescue teams at the local level. The PADM shows that decision-making is initiated by environmental cues (e.g., the sight or sound of an eruption), social cues (e.g., neighbours evacuating) and/or warnings (e.g., official advice to evacuate). We still have the sweeper system it is difficult to depend only on the mobile phones so we still have the sweeper system (O). They called me and said a farmer reported a fire in the glacier, I didnt quite believe it Veurstofa [the Icelandic Meteorological Office] didnt see anything. Aust J Emerg Manag 27:2733, Bird D, Mcleman R, Gsladttir G, Kelman I, Nss MW, Ptursdttir G, Jhannesdttir G (2016) Climate change and settlement level impacts. While the sample size may seem small, it is a reflection of this sparsely populated rural area (as evidenced by the number of inhabitants given in Fig. I started to explain to them what happened, why we evacuated in such a hurryI waited to see the response and get the anger but it was quite the opposite. That would scare us much more. A volcanic eruption is an awesome display of Earth's power. Nevertheless, officials were pleased with public response. An additional 13 respondents indicated they had tourism as their main occupation. They can cause rain, thunder and lightning. A little over half the respondents indicated they evacuated during the flank (56% A-E; 56% V-E) and summit (54% A-E; 47% V-E) eruptions. (A-E). You have to know what is around you. Health effects inlcude respiratory problems, eye problems, and skin irritiation. I was concerned about the horses I found it terrifying and I feared that the ash would [continue to increase in quantity] (). long term responses.

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long term responses to iceland volcano 2010

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