ya latif 129ya latif 129

In total, you will have 45 times sura Fatiha + 1161 Ya Latif. Repeat this until the distress is removed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Aleykm Selam, lgili yazdaki blmde deiiklik yapld. chaque feuille Y latif.Faire secher et piller avec les encens djawiya et liban zakar.Ecrire sur feuille blanche Y latif 129 fois et recueillir les ecrits avec une petite quantit d'eau.Utiliser le nassi pour mouiller la poudre.Mettre . Amine Ya Rabi, Aujourd'hui nous vous donnons un zikr de LATIF et de Al Fatiha trs efficace pour les problmes et besoins urgents. Kullarna kar ltuf sahibidir. slamda Ticaret ve Ticaret Ahlk, Helal Kazan, El Hd Ne Demek? aslen nereli? . Bacaan Dzikir Ya Latif yang pertama adalah Membaca Ya Lathifu sebanyak 129 x setelah sholat maghrib dan shubuh. News ), Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. Proses zikir ini biasanya memakan masa dalam 2 jam 20 minit baru selesai zikir. By Principle (self media writer) | 2 years ago. The fetus fits within the mothers womb, the pearl within the oyster, the fine silk within the silkworm, the honey in the bee, and in the heart of the human being, the knowledge of Allah Himself. Bollua kavuur. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. From: The Name & the Named, by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Halveti, How to become a dervish? Okunuu : Vezkurne m yutl f buytikunne min ytillhi vel hikmeti, innallhe kne latfen habr (habran). Allah-u Tela bu iki manayla Latif'tir. Runtime: 82 minutes. Tanpa bercakap dengan orang lain, tanpa makan minum, dalam keadaan berwudhuk, dan mengadap kiblat. Allahn 99 ismi Esmal Hsna isimlerinden Ya-Latif isminin anlam, fazileti, srlar, El-Latif Arapa-Trke okunuu, Zikir gn ve adedi, ebced deeri, En ince ilerin tm inceliklerini bilen, ince ve sezilmez yollardan kullarna eitli faydalar ikram eden. Allah Teala da her trl hacet ve dileini mutlaka yerine getirir. Tata cara tersebut adalah : Membaca Ya Lathifu sebanyak 129 x setelah sholat maghrib dan shubuh. . Ameen. Meryem, Hz. Amin. ok gl bir esmadr, zellikle iinden klmaz durumlara kar okunur, konu neyle ilgili olursa olsun, zdrab dindiren bir isimdir . Muhterem M. Fethullah Glen Hocaefendi 129 Y Ltif hususunda daha nce yle bir izahta bulunmutu: "129 Y Ltif ekilince Allah birtakm srprizler ltfeder Allah, Latf'tir. (6:103), Certainly, my Lord is the Most Courteous and Kind unto whom He wills. . 5-) ura suresi 19. ayet Ancak biz burada drt trl dua hakknda bilgi vereceiz. A-Ghis-ni, A-Ghis-ni, A-Ghis-ni Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahemeen. ASMAUL HUSNA " YAA LATIF " ( Ya Latif Sarana pemanggil bantuan khodam ASMAUL HUSNA, RIJAUL GHOIB, MALAIKATI untuk hajat yang BAIK ). May entire Peace, Blessings and Mercy of Allah be upon the Last Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) ever ever. Okunuu : Y buneyye inneh in teku miskle habbetin min hardalin fe tekun f sahratin ev fs semvti ev fl ard yeti bihllhu, innellhe latfun habr (habrun). Ortalarda ise her gn namazdan sonra 129 okunursa.. diye cmle var. Furthermore, no person can oblige you to supplicate with a specific supplication even if this supplication is legislated, let alone if it is not, like mentioning Allaah by saying Ya lateef which many people are accustomed to do especially after the prayer, and which some of them say without supplicating after it at all. Master and overpower adversaries and dictator leaders. Ingat, ikhtiar lahiriah jangan ditinggalkan! 'Abd al-Latif is the one whose finer inner eye is opened to see the inner beauty in all. Mbah Moen sempat memberikan amalan ibadah dzikir yang punya kekuatan dahsyat. Proses zikir ini biasanya memakan masa dalam 2 jam 20 minit baru selesai zikir. Bir dahaki sefere yorum yaptmda kullanlmak zere adm, e-posta adresimi ve web site adresimi bu taraycya kaydet. Li Qodoil Hajat (supaya cepat terlaksana hajat-hajat)3. 2022-2023 Eitim retim Takvimi, En Gzel Cuma Mesajlar, 6 Ocak 2023 Cuma Tebrik Szleri, Kurban Bayram Arefe gn dualar ve zikirleri, Ramazan ay ibadetleri ve zikirleri, Ramazan aynda okunacak dualar, El Kerim Esmasnn Anlam, Zikri ve Fazileti, El-Ehad Esmasnn Zikri, Faziletleri ve Faydalar, El-Veliyy Anlam Nedir? The one who calls you extremist is wrong; rather, restricting oneself to what is mentioned in the religion is the best form of moderation. Nukteler.comu Facebooktan takip etmeyi unutmayn! Huz bi yedi kallet hyleti, edrikni bi lutfike ve keremike ya sahibel ltfu vel ihsan. Abd al-Latif is the one whose finer inner eye is opened to see the inner beauty in all. NoteFor effectiveness of this amal its essential to rightly preserve the rely of 16641 all through this amal, if the exact counts are not met, the amal may additionally come ineffective and best Allah knows the fashionable and Hes All Merciful towards his creation. Baca Doa Ya Latif 129 Kali Saat Tengah Malam, Hajat Apa Saja Terkabul, Ijazah KH Ghofur Sunan Drajat Lamongan. There is no god but Allah, the Awesome, the Forbearing, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the mighty throne, there is no god but Allah the Lord of the heavens and the earth and the noble throne.. Ne denektir aklayabilir misiniz. Di sisi lain, Dia tidak pernah menuntut balas, juga tidak memberi beban melebihi kemampuan makhlukNya. El-Mn Fazileti Nedir? Kitap, 1936 - 1938; Atatrk yaayor, masonlar darmadank ve yer altnda. Bu ismin balca bir ka tecellisi. Ardndan bir salavat 1 fatiha 3 ihlas sresi okunarak ne iin dua edildiyse onun kabul iin dua edilir. En fazla zikir says -16641. Di Terangkan Jika Sebenarnya Alloh Mewakilkan Seseorang Khodam Pada Asma Alloh Al-Latifu Yang Bernama Sayyid Barziilin Untuk Menolong Hajat2 Nya Orang Yang Bertawassul Dengan Asma Alloh Al-Latifu, Khususiyyah Asma Al-Latifu Memiliki 4 Kekhususan : Demikian Tata Langkah Mengamalkan Ya Latifu Yg Alhamdulillah Penulis Sudah Terima Izajah Dari 3 Orang Guru Mursyid, Alhamdulillah Penulis Sudah Banyak Sekali Rasakan Manfaat Dari Asma Alloh Al-Latifu, Insya Alloh Dalam Waktu Dekat Penulis Akan Menerbitkan Menarik Khodam Al-Latifu Sayyid Barzili, Mitigasi Terhadap Dampak Ekonomi Indonesia Akibat Kenaikan Harga BBM, Wa Iyyaki Artinya Secara Bahasa, Makna dan Pembahasannya, Alif Lam Syamsiah: Pengertian, Cara Baca, dan Contohnya, 3 Kebaikan Mengucapkan Wa iyyak kepada Sesama Muslim dan Muslimah, Li Qodoil Hajat ( Untuk Laksanakan Hajat2 ), Li Kholasil Masjun ( Membebaskan Diri Dari Penjara ), Li Ikhfai An Ainidz Dzulmah ( Halimunan ), Kirim Hadiah Fatihah Pada Khodamnya Sayyid Barzilin ( Hadza Hadiyyatun Ila Hadroti Sayyid Barzilin Say U Lilahi Lahul Alfatihah 1x, Membaca Asma Alloh Al-Latifu Dengan Menggunakan Ya Nida ( Ya Latifu ) 129 X 129 = 16641 X. Tiap-Tiap Mendapatkan 129 X , Membaca Ayat Latif Nya 3x, Ayat Jalbur Rizqi Allohu Latifun Bi Ibadihi Yarzuqu Man Yasa U Wahuwal Qowiyyul Azij ( Surat Asy-Syuro Ayat 19 ), Ayat Liqodoil Hajat Ala Yalamu Man Kholaqo Wa Huwal Latiful Khobiru ( Surat Al-Mulk Ayat 14 ), Ayat Lil Ikholasil Masjun Inna Robbi Latifun Lima Yasa U Innahu Huwal Latiful Khobiru ( Surat Yusuf Ayat 100 ), Ayat Lil Ikhfa An Ainid Dzulmah La Tudrikuhul Absoru Wa Huwa Yudrikul Absoro Wa Huwal Latiful Khobiru ( Surat Al- Anam Ayat 103 ), Samahatul Ustadz Al-Imam Al-Hafidz Al-Musnid Al-Qutub Al-Habib Abdulloh Bilfaqih Al-Alawi R.A ( Malang ), As-Syeikh Al-Allamah Al- Imam As Sayyid Muhammad Alwy Al-Maliki ( Mekkah Mukarromah Penulis Kitab Abwabul Faroj ), As-Syeikh Al-Wali Al-Alim Al-Allamah K.H Muhammad Yahya ( Buya Yahya Marga Asih Ci Bodas ). Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. MUHAMMAD BAKHIET, Barabai 878,335 views Dec 24, 2019 14K Dislike Share nm232bjm Channel 475K subscribers Amalan Ya. Menyelesaikan studi fisika material di Universitas Diponegoro. Kita tidak pernah minta hidup di dunia ini, tapi Dia menganugerahi kehidupan. When we turn to Him in prayer, we open ourselves up to His mercy and remission. Recep Ay ibadetleri, dualar ve zikirleri, 15 Tatil ne zaman? Salam sur Jasminlila129, merci pour les rfrences. Sadece Gerekten aresiz Kaldnzda Okuyacanz ok Ar Esma * Allahn Hangi smi Hangi Dert in Ka Kere Okunur * Tesirli Dualar*Google Newste Takip Et, Peygamberimizin Kabrini Ziyaret Nasip Olmas in Dua, eytan Cin ve nsanlarn errinden Korunmak in Euzu Besmele, Kitabl Azazil: Cinlerin Yazd ddia Edilen Yasakl Kitap, [] Latif: Dileklerin olmas, ksmet ve rzkn artmas iin 129 [], Sadece Gerekten aresiz Kaldnzda Okuyacanz ok Ar Esma, Allahn Hangi smi Hangi Dert in Ka Kere Okunur, Allah'n Hangi smi -Esmal Hsna- Hangi Dert in Ka Kere Okunur - Paranormal Haber. O ekilde rivayet edilmektedir. 07.Nis.2019 - Video anlatt Lalegl Dergisi Mart 2016 says yani yukardaki sayfalardr. Finally, we advise you to be patient over the harm that you may face, and you should be wise when dealing with people who object to you. Allah Swt mengetahui segala sesuatu yang mungkin bagi-Nya, tidak ada sesuatu pun yang terlewat dari ilmu Allah Swt dan pengetahuan-Nya. Rzkn Kolaylamas, Skntlarn, kederlerin almas, Hapistekilerin kurtulmas, Zalimlerin Gzlerinden gizlenmek iin, Allhu latfun bi ibdih yerzuku men yeu, ve huvel kavyyul azz(azzu)., Allah kullarna ltufkrdr, dilediini rzklandrr. Kedua, seseorang mewiridkan 'Ya Latif' dibaca sebanyak 129 kali atau 130 kali, Insya Allah usahanya atau perniagaannya akan maju dan akan merasa kejayaan dalam pekerjaannya. [4] ayeti kerimesi okunur. 2023 Recep ay ne zaman balyor? Hz. Subhanallah,, Inilah Manfaat Dzikir Ya Latif Jika Di Amalkan - YouTube. 129 is numerical value of Allah's name Al-Latif, This is The same method, that Abjad is used for Temiz elbise giyinmi olarak temiz ve tenha bir yerde 2 rekat namaz kldktan sonra kbleye kar oturup 1000 defe Y Ltif okuyup sonra 3 defe aadaki dua okunur. From: The Meanings of the Names of Our Lord, by Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rifai Head of the Higher Sufi Council in Jerusalem and the Holy Land Teacher at the Dome of the Rock (al-Aqsa). Ya Wadudu normally means O Loving One and is often used as an endearment for Allah. Ya Latif ism-i erifi, ak acsna kar okunur, eer okuyann kalbindeki gereksiz bir sevgi, bir hevesse, ya da karlksz bir sevgi ve zlyorsa kalbinden bu sevgiyi ekip alr. Allah memberi kepada semua makhluk-Nya melebihi yang diminta. He is gentle, beautiful in words and action. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform Cebrail Aleyhisselam, okuduu bir zikirdir. - Kamis, 1 September 2022 | 07:30 WIB Kata Mbah Moen Baca Dzikir Ya Latif 129 Kali Setelah Salat Fardhu dan Rasakan Dahsyatnya AYOJAKARTA.COM - Di masa hidupnya, Mbah Moen banyak sekali meninggalkan amalan-amalan ibadah yang bisa kita lakukan. Idara ya Uhamiaji inawatangazia vijana wafuatao waliotuma maombi ya nafasi . zellikle iinden klmaz durumlara kar okunur, konu neyle ilgili olursa olsun . Ameen. Ya Lateefu Meaning In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. Tecrbe edilip, olumlu sonu alnd dile getirilen mehur dualardan birisi de 1664 kere Ya Latif ismi erifini okumaktr. The meaning of lutf is Allah bringing benefit and deflecting harm from an individual in a manner that that individual is unaware of. znde ve hedefinde laiklik kart ve eriat bir yapya, da dnk ise lml ve zararsz grnme sahip olan Hareket, dini faaliyetlerinin yan sra; Trkiye . Taa ki toplamda 129 X 129 yani 1664 defa okunmu oluncaya kadar. dialnjutkan membaca Q.S. Hastalklara ve glklere kar dayankl olmak iin 129 defa zikretmelidir. Okuduktan sonra tekrar (1000) Y L Latif okunur.Yine (3) defa yukardaki dua okunur. . . Content created and supplied by: Principle (via Opera O Allah by way of the merits and benefits contained in it please satisfy my want. Sabah gne doarken, ikindi namaznn son vakitlerinde, akam namaznn ardndan ve geceleri teheccd namazlarndan sonradr. Anlam : Yaratan (yarattn) bilmez mi? 1-) Enam suresi 103. ayet . Bilgilerin sadan soldan derleme olduunu dnmeye baladm. Puis fermer avec ce verset. Mula-mula berselawatlah ke atas junjungan Nabi Muhamad dan bacalah surah al fatihah. Suggested Read: The Silk Roads , History of the World, World War I, The Islamic World by Ladan Akbarnia, Nahj al-Balagha, Lost Islamic History, Stranger The History, Realizing Islam, Prophet Muhammad. Oyuncu Burak Haktanr kimdir? Zor bir ile karlap, nasl zemeyeceini bilmeyen bir kimse, temiz bir kalp ve iyi niyetle (16.641) defa. Subhaanal- laahi Walhamdu- Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa- ha ill- lal- laahu wallahu Akbar-40 x, God humma Saliala Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam-21 x, Raise your fingers and with full modesty, consider and complete faith in ALlah, reprise dua in( five) atleast three to 7 instances. Setelah tamat, sebaiknya lakukan solat hajat dua rakaat atau cukup dengan berdoa kepada Allah. Celui qui veut russir son poque a intrt passer par YA LATIF. Ketiga, siapa yang mewiridkan Ya Latif setiap hari sebanyak 133 kalif. YA LATIF 129x || Dijamin Hidup Tidak Pernah Susah Dan Rezeki Mudah || KH. Increase the number to 133 in times of difficulty.) E l yalemu men halaka, ve huvel latful habr (habru). Sometimes it is a fine delicate mist of quietude within the turbulence of worldly activity. Ya Hakm - 78 Kere Okunur lim ve hikmet sahibi olmak, uza grmek, hikmetli i yapmak iin. Essalat vessalam aleyke ya seyyidi ya Rasulullah. Berharap dengan keberkatan mereka ini, Allah mustajabkan doa / hajat besar kita. Boleh buat wirid YA LATIF artinya sebanyak129 kali(seratus dua puluh sembilan) setiap kali anda selesai melaksanakan solat Subuh sahaja, atau setiap mana-mana solat fardhu 5 waktu. You can search for fatwa through many choices, Forms of Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and Du'a (Supplications). Zikir saati; Zhre (Sabah gne doarken ve ikindi sonras. Lafadz Ya Latif merupakan salah satu dari 99 asmaul husna yang di ijazahkan Mbah Moen . A easy gadget of doing this is to put 129 prayer globules in a Tasbeeh( string) and recite Ya Lateefu 129 times on it. Ya Rabbil A-Lameen! A secret from Latif to solve a problem and have openness inshallah. CARA MENGAMALKAN DZIKIR YA LATIF 129 KALI Dalam mengamalkan asma Al Latif ini para ulama berbeda-beda dalam menentukan bilangan bacaan yang diamalkan. You do it at night before bed. kalau nak bongkarkan rahsia ni, Semasa menidurkan anak dalam buaian baca zikir, diri sendiri, melembutkan hati pasangan Suami / isteri atau pasangan kekasih, Meredakan ketegangan rumah tangga, meredakan sifat marah, mengelak perceraian dan melembutkan hati, Ketika ribut petir maka eloklah di perbanyakkan membaca zikir Ya Latiff, 6. In a global that may experience harsh and enduring, the assurance of Allahs love is a source of electricity and luxury. Medical Park Hastaneleri kimin? Another easy manner to preserve the count number of 16641 for the duration of this amal is to recite Ya Lateefu in counts of 500 till you attain 16500, also you need to simplest finish 141 to complete the count of 16641. three) For lesser blessings, this amal also can be finished in jamath/ congregation at the side of different adult contributors of a family, all of the participants doing the amal ought to sit down in a single location at any time and do the amal with a not unusual goal/ motive, in one of these cases the matter of 16641x may be participated amongst each other even as all different manner have to be observed by means of every member within the group. He is generous towards them and showers them with His gifts. The character must constantly, each day( after salaatul fajar) and each night time( after salaatul Isha) preserve doing this amal this until his want is fulfilled. O, ltuflarn insanlarn iine, onlara hi hissettirmeden aktverir. -- YA LATIF CELLE ANUHU Zikrinin bitmez tkenmez srlar ve faziletlerinden bazlar Bu ismin zikir saati zhre, zikir gn cuma, zikir adeti 129'dur. Muhakkak ki Allah; Latiftir (ltuf sahibi), Habrdir (haberdar olan). Ya Latif is one of the ninety- nine names of Allah, and it way "The Most Subtle One" or "The Most Kind One." This call reflects Allah's trait of being every- knowing and each- seeing. Al-Anam: 103, , L tudrikuhul-abru wa huwa yudrikul-abr, wa huwal-laful-khabr, Dia tidak dapat dicapai oleh penglihatan mata, sedang Dia dapat melihat segala yang kelihatan; dan Dialah Yang Maha Halus lagi Maha Mengetahui.. This number is also closely associated with politics, music, arithmetic, and science. Blow 3x over the casket, additionally 3x into both the arms, and the wipe the palms over the face, arms and body. Bir sitede u miktar, dier sitede bu miktar yazyor. Ve O; Latiftir, Habrdir (haberdar olandr). Cenab Zlcelal ve Tekaddes Hazretlerinden hayrlbir dilei olup da o dileine kavumak isteyen kimse,herhangi bir cuma gecesi Allah rzas iin iki rekat namaz klar. Bu namaz klndktan sonra dilein gerek olmas, hacetin gereklemesi iin dua edilir. Al-Latif is one of Allah's names and is sometimes translated as "gentle" or "subtle." Habib Kadhim as-Saqqaf (may Allah preserve him) said it encompasses all the names of Allah which express His beauty. After finishing the rely of 129, boost your palms and recite the dua in( 5) above 3 instances. Bisa jadi pula, maknanya ialah Allah Mahalembut terhadap hamba-hamba-Nya dalam hal memberikan hidayah kepada mereka. All rights reserved. Ketiga, Dia menghamparkan alam raya ini untuk makhluk-Nya. Bu; her 129da bir byle devam eder. . "En ince ilerin tm inceliklerini bilen, ince ve sezilmez yollardan kullarna eitli faydalar ikram eden". Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. Encens utiliser lors du Zikr : Houdoul Hindi , Djawi , Liban Zakar . Zikir Khafi Adalah. O Gentle Who remains for ever, be gentle to us in all that befalls us, You are constantly Gentle, treat us and the Muslims with gentleness! Wiridan Seusai Shalat Allahmme ente akreb min klli kariybin ve ekrem min klli keriymin ve ecved min klli cevd ve ahfezu min klli hafiyzn ve eltaf min klli ltiyfin eselke bismikel ltif en tsahhre li min halkke men yakd hceti ve yedfeu anni hasmi ve yncini mimmen zalemeni ve dni bihakkke y ltif y latif y ltif eltaf bi ndeedidi ve neccini minel mekyidi kllihallah ltifn bibdihi yerzku men ye ve hvel kaviyyl aziz. Haceti olan kiilerinde 16.641 kez "Ya Latif" esmasn zikir vaktinde okumas gerekir. Selain Mbah Moen , ada banyak juga ulama yang telah membuktikan keutamaan amalan asmaul husna lafadz ya latif ini. 2- Btn gizli ilere vkf olan ve ilmiyle her eyi kuatan manasna gelir. Setelah selesai membaca ayat di atas, di lanjutkan dengan memanjatkan doa permohonan kepada Allah dengan bacaan berikut ini: . Sebelum membacanya hendaknya kita melakukan sholat hajat terlebih dahulu. In times ofgreat distress, Ibn `Abbas narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to say: 2. Bu zikir Cebrail Aleyhisselamn zikridir. Are we mainstreaming genocide? Allahu latiifun bi'ibaadihii yarzuqu may . Karma kark. 2. The name Al-Latif is close in its meaning to Al-Khabeer (the Well-Acquainted with all things), Al- Ra`uf (the Clement) and Al-Kareem (the Generous). He contains the minutest details of a divine puzzle where all things fit into each other. Toplamda 1664 Ya Latif esmas ve 129 kere okunmu olan ilgili ayeti kerimenin tamamlanasnn ardndan iki rekat namaz klnr. bienvenue sur votre chaine youtube LES SECRETS DU CORAN l'objectif de la chaine est de vous servir sen ndiarigne moko takha diok n'oubliez pas de vous abon. Muslims believe that Allah is constantly with us and that His love for us is horizonless. "El-Latif" ism-i erifi ok gl bir esmadr. 2023 Diyanet 3 Aylar Takvimi. Bu ismi erife devam edenlerin karlaacaklar iyilikler, mutluluklar tarif edilemez. 2 raka from where in each => Surah Fatiha 1 times + Surah ikhlass 33 times, Salat al Fatihi or Salat an nabi 100 times, Surah fatiha 1 time + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 time, Surah fatiha 2 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 time, Surah fatiha 3 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 4 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 5 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 6 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 7 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 8 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times, Surah fatiha 9 times + 129 Ya Latif + Formulation vows 1 times. Berkat kecerdikan kelinci Sang singa yang ganas itu masuk ke dalam sumur dan tidak ada lagi pemangsa di hutan itu.

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